Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Goals to get me started

I've tried this blogging thing before and have really been able to stick with it.  but I have been creating a lot lately and feel like I have something to contribute to the quilting/blogging community.  I have been so inspired by reading other blogs and now I want to get more involved.

So to get myself motivated and hold myself accountable I am starting with a fresh brand new blog ( you can read some of my earlier blog posts at zipstarboogiequilts.blogspot.com) and I am setting some goals.
1)So a popular feature on many of the blogs I read is WIP Wednesday.  My first goal is to post a work in progress each Wednesday. 
2)Another favorite feature is Furry Friday on Kate Spain's blog . I love talking about and sharing pictures of my animals and Since I have six cats and a dog, there is no shortage of cuteness.  You may be saying, "but that's not quilt related" To which I would answer, "I don't care, I am doing it anyways." Plus, since cats tend to gravitate towards fabric and thread there will plenty of quilty cat pictures.
3) And the final goal I am going to set right now may be the loftiest of them all: I am going to create and post a tutorial by the end of August.

So there they are.  Now you all can help hold me accountable.  I will be back tomorrow with my first WIP Wednesday.

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